Press-blocks HTM
HTM-PB press blocks seal components of the cable entry section to achieve fire safety and tightness. When properly installed, HTM cable penetration reaches the full moisture, dust, water and gas tightness of the system.
HTM-PB press blocks are made of low-combustible elastomer reinforced with embedded steel elements to create structural rigidity, smooth and even sliding of HTM cable penetration components during sealing.
Material of the press block HTM-PB120 is elastomer of PV-0 class, incombustible, self-extinguishing, low-smoke in the melting, has a range of operating temperatures from -60 °C to + 200 °C, resistant to the effects of water, steam, ozone, chemically active substances. At the same time this material is completely safe for the environment and human health.
After placing all the HTM transit modules in the mounting frame, the HTM-PB press block is installed in the upper row. Then, use the tool to tighten the two press unit bolts in parallel, causing the press unit components and the transit modules to slide into the frame. In this case, all cables pulled through the cable penetration, securely fixed and sealed.