Company history
Foundation of the company.
Patenting of products.
Purchase of the first equipment and tooling. Organization of production and warehousing. Certification of products.
Start of series production and sales.
Expansion of presses and tooling fleet.
Mastering the serial production of new nomenclature.
Certification in various voluntary certification systems.
Modernization of production and implementation of lean production principles.
Expansion of the tooling fleet.
Release of new products.
Approval of the products in the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping
Mastering of serial production of extended range transit modules.
Launch of thermostatting and ultrasonic washing sections to improve product quality.
Approval of the application of products in the Russian River Register.
Certification of the company's QMS in the Voluntary Certification System INTERGAZCERT.
Approval of the use of the product at the facilities of the Russian Navy
Release of new products.
Business Reputation Assessment Certification in VCS INTERGAZCERT. Product certification in VCS INTERGAZCERT.
Expansion of presses and tooling fleet. Participation in the import substitution program for manufactured products.
Foundation of the company.
Patenting of products.
Purchase of the first equipment and tooling. Organization of production and warehousing. Certification of products.
Start of series production and sales.
Expansion of presses and tooling fleet.
Mastering the serial production of new nomenclature.
Certification in various voluntary certification systems.
Modernization of production and implementation of lean production principles.
Expansion of the tooling fleet.
Release of new products.
Approval of the products in the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping
Mastering of serial production of extended range transit modules.
Launch of thermostatting and ultrasonic washing sections to improve product quality.
Approval of the application of products in the Russian River Register.
Certification of the company's QMS in the Voluntary Certification System INTERGAZCERT.
Approval of the use of the product at the facilities of the Russian Navy
Release of new products.
Business Reputation Assessment Certification in VCS INTERGAZCERT. Product certification in VCS INTERGAZCERT.
Expansion of presses and tooling fleet. Participation in the import substitution program for manufactured products.